
Monday, July 23, 2012

A Perfect Disney Wedding Gift

Disney Love

As children, my sister and I grew up going to Disneyland. A lot. Our grandparents bought annual passes for us and Disneyland is where we spent time on weekends, after school and summer days.  When we look back on our childhood, we think of Disneyland- if not the simple, innocent magic of all things Disney- as a dear childhood friend.  It isn't often that I meet someone, as an adult, who shares this experience and unique Disney fondness, so when I do we find a special kinship.

Pictured above is the wedding gift I made for a friend who shares my kind of Disney love.  A one-of-a-kind simple, handmade, heartfelt gift that is full of Disney-style imagination and whimsy!  I searched the web and found this image 
 on the website  I know myself well enough to know that I am no match for embroidery, so I adapted a bit.  I saved the image to my computer and enlarged it a bit.  Then, I placed a piece of parchment paper over the screen and traced the outline of the image.  Next, I pinned the parchment paper "pattern" to a piece of scrap fabric and stitched embroidery floss directly over the pattern.
When the stitching was complete, I simply- gently- tore away the parchment paper.  I found a frame at Hobby Lobby that couldn't have been better suited for this project!  The frame looks to me like something that would be in Mickey or Minnie's home in Toon Town in Disneyland!
The frame was on sale 50% off of $19.99, the fabric was a scrap and the embroidery floss cost about $1 per color.  Total project cost: around $12.00!! 

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